Membership application & Policies

    Membership Qualification, Policies and Procedures

    I. Qualifications

    The person applying for membership in the General Body of the Al-Hijra Mosque shall be:

    i. A Muslim, affirming his/her belief in Allah (swt.), the book of revelations (Qur’an) and the finality of the Prophet
    Muhammad (pbuh).

    ii. A citizen or permanent resident of Canada, residing in the Windsor/Essex County area for a period of at least 1

    II. Policies and Procedures

    i. An annual membership fee of $100 is due at the beginning of each year and must be paid no later than March 31 in
    order to maintain membership.

    ii. All persons wishing to become members shall complete a membership application form, affirming agreement with
    the objectives of Al-Hijra as an organization, and enclose the required annual membership dues.

    iii. At the beginning of 2011, the membership fee may be waived on request for benefactors who donated over $100
    during the previous year.

    iv. Applications for membership will be received by the Membership and By-laws Committee (MBC) appointed by the
    Board of Directors. The MBC will review the application for completeness and adherence to prescribed guidelines
    and communicate in writing the result of this process to the applicant.

    v. Al-Hijra Mosque reserves the right to limit the number of accepted members for logistical reasons in accordance
    with its policies and procedures.

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    Province (required)

    Country (required)

    Phone Number (required)


    Email (required)

    Marital Status (required)


    Citizenship (required)

    Canadian CitizenPermanent ResidentLiving in Windsor/Essex County for over 1 year

    Spouse Name

    Children Name (over 18 years of age and over living at the same address)

    Check here if you affirm that the above information is correct and truthful.